AOC Heckled at Townhall in NYC: 'All You Care About Is Illegal Aliens'

In a way it’s kind of a shame, because over the last few years, it has been easy to spot the thoroughly indoctrinated morons: they’re the ones who announce what their pronouns are. One of them has been Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Make Mine A Double), who in her brief but tumultuous career in the public eye has been (among many other things) a reliable bellwether of cultural trends, which is to say, she has been a doctrinaire apparatchik who has always, no matter what, followed the left’s prevailing line. Now the winsome AOC has just signaled a massive cultural shift by actually removing the pronouns from her X bio. Has the trans madness crested and is now receding? Could be. 

The popular End Wokeness X account pointed out on Thursday that AOC had quietly removed the “she/her” designation from her bio. The pronoun designation was absurd in the first place, as if anyone needed to be told that she wasn’t a dude, but that was what the left dictated, and so that was what the left got from AOC.

In fact, in Nov. 2022, AOC apologized for not informing the world that she was a she. The New York Post reported back then that someone asked her to add her pronouns to her Instagram bio, and she said: “Oh I’m sorry about that. They used to be on there. Let me go in and check and see if I can add them….I guess they fell off, but I’ll put them on right now.”

They’re still there, although they “fell off” her X account. Not only does AOC’s X bio no longer list her pronouns; it also lists her as a “US Congresswoman.” This matters because up until AOC removed her pronouns from the bio, it said she was a “US Representative.” So AOC seems to have removed one instance of herself calling herself a woman only to add another. 

In fact, however, with both changes AOC has moved in a more traditional direction. Nobody ever announced what his or her pronouns were up until a few years ago, because it was blazingly obvious. On the other hand, female representatives have been called “congresswoman” since the days of Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin (R-Mont.), who in 1917 became the first woman to serve in the House of Representatives.

So what’s next for AOC? Cooking classes on TikTok? Whatever she may have planned, many are taking the disappearance of her pronouns as a sign of the prevailing winds in American culture today. Ocasio-Cortez is proving to be a savvy politician who is interested in genuinely listening to her constituents. Immediately after Trump’s victory, she asked her followers who voted for both her and Trump to explain why they did so. She seemed actually interested in finding out, rather than in simply arrogantly hectoring them about their “racism” after the manner of most of her Democrat colleagues. 

The ditching of the pronouns seemed to be another case of watching the real trends, rather than retreating into the familiar shibboleths. X user Paul A. Szypula, who has over a quarter million followers, wrote: “If you’re wondering why AOC ditched her pronouns in her bio, it might have something to do with the massive exodus from the Democrat Party by Hispanic voters. Many have conservative values and aren’t thrilled with gender ideology. They care about low prices and strong borders.” 

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Maybe. Or maybe it’s just a mistake, as in 2022 when the pronouns “fell off” her Instagram account. The Washington Times reported a salient detail Friday that made it apparent that AOC’s dropping of the pronouns couldn’t have come as a reaction to Trump’s victory: “A search of the Internet Archive shows that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez didn’t have her pronouns listed on her X account as far back as April 2, but she did include them on March 4. Does that mean that she anticipated the gender identity backlash nine months before the election? Or that a tech staffer accidentally deleted her pronouns, but nobody caught it until now?…The Washington Times has contacted the congresswoman’s office for comment.”

If it was just a mistake, however, AOC is taking her sweet time about correcting it. It is Sunday afternoon at the time of this writing, and it doesn’t look as if she has responded to the Times or added the pronouns back onto her X bio. 

So maybe AOC really is watching and reflecting the cultural trends. After all, 2028 will be here before we know it, and the Democrats are going to have to run somebody for president. How about a principled socialist who marched to the woke abyss and then retreated back to a slightly more sensible and sane position? AOC could be positioning herself to be, for the ailing Democrat party, just what the doctor ordered.