Groovy turned into seen earlier this afternoon discussing with his fellow housemates about Beauty, her disqualification, and the way the whole thing could have been genuinely avoided. It turned into for the duration of this second that he discovered what he stuck Beauty doing at Bryan’s bedside on Friday night before the Saturday night party.

According to Groovy, he caught Beauty sneaking in alcohol and pouring it interior another field at Bryan’s bedside when he wasn’t round. He went on to say how he located out that this become a horrific habit Beauty shaped because it was now not her first time doing it.

He stated that it turned into her love for alcohol that contributed to Beauty leaving the residence and she or he did now not want each person entering into her business or trying to forestall her.

He also said that the buildup of the alcohol Beauty took that Friday he caught her at Bryan’s bedside and the one she also took on Saturday night celebration became enough to get her inebriated and throw tantrums after the Saturday night time birthday celebration.