Oh mon Dieu! Gerard Depardieu's $500 Million Dollar 13-Year Tax Evasion Battle

Like most Americans reading this article, I exclusively know Gerard Depardieu from…

Macron: Mon Dieu! Iran Is Getting Nukes Any Day Now

Gee, who could have guessed this would happen? French President Emmanuel Macron…

Mon Dieu! Macron's Government Denies He Had a Meeting Scheduled With Kristi Noem

Welp. You may have noticed that no more interviews with South Dakota…

Mon Dieu! Macron Calls for Surrender by Israel – First a Pause, Then a Ceasefire

Just when it began to look like French President Emmanuel Macron understood…

Mon dieu, the riots! It's carbeque time in Paris again

Paris is rapidly developing into a warzone as violent protests continue to…