Donald Trump is declaring the climate hoax dead, but the Pravda Media are determined to be first responders running around with defibrillators, conducting CPR, and then reenacting the dead parrot sketch.
It was only last year that we were fed sob stories about how man’s inhumanity to nature was depriving young children of the joys of playing in the snow. As a resident of Minnesota who woke up to -20 temperatures this morning, I could only wish for such a reality, but I can understand how people from warmer climes might like a bit of snow for a day or two each winter.
“There is an added layer of melancholy for parents who came of age in a time and place where winter meant snow, who realize that their formative childhood experiences might not be shared by the next generation.”
On Millennial Solastalgia. via @CaitJGibson
— Bsky: (@ByERussell) February 2, 2024
Snow, you see, used to be a welcome fact of life for the parental set, but now their children are being deprived of the joy they felt as they made angels in the snow.
Carbon dioxide deprived this generation of all joy. Frosty the Snowman never gets made these days.
Hewes’s 11-year-old daughter, Evelyn, is also growing up in Albuquerque, but her experience of winter is very different from her mother’s. The last big snow came when Evelyn was just 2 years old — “too small to take advantage of it,” Hewes says. Since then, there have been only occasional dustings, an inch or two perhaps; when Evelyn flops to the ground to make a snow angel, her wing-prints reach the wet earth below. “She’ll bundle up and go outside in almost no snow, and she’ll try so hard to play, and come back muddy and disappointed,” Hewes says, “and that’s heartbreaking.” A few years ago, Evelyn asked for a sled for Christmas. It has never been used.
This past December saw snow at a record low across the country. Last month, a new study confirmed that climate change has altered snow patterns across the Northern Hemisphere, bringing certain parts of the United States closer to a “snow loss cliff,” at which point snow loss will only accelerate.
That story in the Washington Post was written less than a year ago, I’ll have you know. It was as prescient as a presidential poll of Iowans in 2024.
These 8 Southern cities are facing down a potentially historic storm
— Mike Walker (@New_Narrative) January 21, 2025
Beege, who lives in the Florida panhandle, was whining about the cold and fearing the dump of snow that was about to hit her, and all I could think of is how it was all her fault.
BLIZZARD WARNINGS have been issued in SE Texas and SW Louisiana… WOW!
— Max Velocity (@MaxVelocityWX) January 21, 2025
The cold and snow, after all, are also due to carbon dioxide and climate change we are being told. Climate change: is there anything it can’t do?
This is part of a pattern that, perhaps, proves both that God exists and has a great sense of humor. Climate alarmists make these predictions only to be proven wrong within months. It happens all that time.
CLIMATE ALARMISM – In 2000 the Independent proclaimed that snow was “A thing of the past” and children in the UK would never experience it.
It has snowed every single year since then.
So they deleted the article and didn’t mention it again shhh…. 🤡
— Bernie (@Artemisfornow) January 3, 2025
The potential effects of massive emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is a subject worthy of study–almost every phenomenon is to at least some extent, because study is how we learn. I am genuinely curious about how climate works, the extent to which natural and human-induced changes effect the climate and weather, and hope that we can find a way to separate science from The Science™.
But Climate Change™ as it is discussed today is pure hoax. You can trust nothing you are being told because you are being told it for political reasons. It is the current version of the ever-changing rationale for complete government control over the economy and for the shrinking of individual freedom.
Human beings do not have nearly the understanding of how climate works, what all the variables are and how they interact, and a system as large and dynamic as the entire Earth’s climate is inherently unpredictable.
Most of you are old enough to remember the popularity of chaos theory, and there is much to admire about it even though it was overused as a metaphor. One of the most common examples–doubtlessly exaggerated itself but repeated endlessly by many of the same people who promote climate models–is the “butterfly effect.”
Remember that one? It postulates that nature is so chaotic and unpredictable that a butterlly flapping its wings on one side of the world could influence the development of a hurricane on the other in the future. In other words, anything and everything is inherently unpredictable once you get far enough away from proximate causes.
You know a rock falling will hit the ground, but go back far enough and you can’t discern the reason why the rock fell in the first place. The vagueries of wind, rainfall, minor shifts in the ground, techtonic plates, and so on all contributed to the eventual chain of events.
With something as vast and complicated as the climate, conditions in 5, 10, or 100 years are so unpredictable as to make models meaningless except at the grossest level, such as predicting the sun will still rise in the east.
None of that matters, though, to the climate alarmists. Their alarm is not about the climate, but about human beings being free. They deplore freedom, are disgusted by prosperity, and yearn for a world where John Kerry and Klaus Schwab can determine whether a family visits grandma by hopping on a plane or driving a car.
Whether you believe that carbon dioxide is a potential problem or not, you are a fool if you take what your are being told seriously. Anthropogenic climate change may or may not be real, but anything you read in the media or hear from politicians or politicized “scientists” is merely part of a hoax.