Election interference? A troll? Simply expressing a genuine opinion?
Who knows? In any case, I find it funny as can be.
Putin says he wants Harris to win 2024 election https://t.co/eOpcjHHCQM
— Axios (@axios) September 5, 2024
It is election season, and along with the cooling of the weather and the colors changing on the leaves, we are once again being treated to cries of alarm from the Democrats about Russian collusion and election interference.
You would think that people who spent far too much time in higher ed institutions and who work with the illusionists in Hollywood could come up with a new hoax. But Hollywood these days is nothing but bad remakes, so perhaps dusting off Russia, Russia, Russia is totally on-brand.
As the Justice Department whips out another version of their never-popular Russian interference shtick, Vladimir has decided to actually weigh in on who should be the next US president. And his choice is apparently Kamala Harris.
JUST IN: Vladimir Putin says he supports Kamala Harris for president, says he finds her laugh “fascinating.”
The comments come after the DOJ accused Russia of funding Tenet who then paid conservative influencers for videos.
At the moment, it’s unclear what exactly Russia’s goal… pic.twitter.com/ciXyZ4MCyU
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 5, 2024
Let me be clear: I really don’t care who Vladimir Putin wants to be the President of the United States. If he is trolling here, I admit it is funny and worth a chuckle. If he is serious here, it doesn’t matter to me or persuade a single voter. Whatever they do, Russia has next to no political power in the United States compared to, say, China. If Russia fell off the world and disappeared from all our maps very little would change for Americans.
I’ll say this slowly so Communist Democrats can understand it:
The. Only. People. Supporting. Kamala. Harris. Now. Are. Epstein. Clients. And. Vladimir. Putin. pic.twitter.com/R5SbapuWgw
— Steve 🇺🇸 (@SteveLovesAmmo) September 5, 2024
No doubt these throwaway lines from Putin will start a spitting match between Republicans and Democrats trying to score a few minor political points, just as the Justice Department’s foray into electoral politics yesterday implying that Russia had some significant impact on our elections was intended to harm Donald Trump.
It’s all a sideshow, though. Putin doesn’t matter to our politics; Xi does.
China has enormous impact on American politics. The Chinese Communist Party has poured billions into the country to influence our politics, our culture, and our economy. We depend on China for our manufacturing, our pharmaceuticals, and as a market for our luxury products. Chinese students pour billions into our universities, and Chinese spies have infiltrated our governments at every level.
Democrat VP candidate Tim Walz has close ties to the Chinese and the Chinese Communist Party, and hardly anybody is talking about that.
At a time when our military is preparing for a direct conflict with China–and one that we could conceivably lose–we are focused on Russia. That is insane. Russia presents no threat to us at all short of a direct nuclear conflict. We could destroy Russia’s conventional military without breaking a sweat. Putin can’t even defeat Ukraine, for God’s sake. Russia is a paper tiger and a distraction.
So, do I care whether Putin really wants Kamala Harris to be president? No. He likely does, but only because she is weak and feckless, about as threatening to his ambitions as a gnat is to a tiger.
But spending a moment thinking about Putin’s choice for president is silly. Whether he supports Harris, Trump, or Mickey Mouse is irrelevant.
It is delicious, though, to imagine that Liz Cheney and Vladimir Putin are on the same team.
Republican Liz Cheney says she is voting for Kamala Harris for president “because of the danger that Donald Trump poses” https://t.co/9CgL7oWTGU
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 4, 2024
Kamala Harris got the two most coveted endorsements in American politics on the same day. Delicious.