UK Climate Alarmists Plan to Seize Swathes of Farmland

Woke British climate alarmists are reportedly planning to take over 9% of UK farmland to meet “green net zero” targets, proving once again that woke climate ideology is truly a government takeover and depopulation scheme.

Climate Change Dispatch reported on the authoritarian plans of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to cut food production to save the planet from a fake climate crisis that isn’t occurring. The climate scam is all about putting all food, transportation, and money in control of the elites, and possibly reducing the world’s population. Otherwise, why would the same elites who seize farmland and demand fewer cars keep flying private jets and buying palatial estates? They don’t believe their own propaganda.

By 2050, 10%+ of UK farmland is set to come under the unscientific thrall of “net zero carbon” ideology. It is worth noting that carbon is the fundamental ingredient of all life on earth, so, again, the elites’ plan to cut back on carbon is actually just a depopulation scheme — as is, in my opinion, the movement across the West to repurpose farmland for windmills, solar panels, and other woke projects. Not to mention China and India continue to increase their pollution, making Western efforts to cut emissions utterly irrelevant. Thank goodness Donald Trump is rejecting such climate alarmism now for America, reversing the Biden administration policies.

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From Climate Change Dispatch, on Jan. 31 (emphasis original):

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs estimates that nine percent of farmland would need to be removed from food production by 2050 to meet green targets, The Telegraph understands.

A further five percent is expected to be mostly taken out of production owing to a decreased level of food output, and another four percent will share space with trees.

[Environmental Secretary] Reed will insist that his framework will not impose changes on landowners, but the figures are likely to reignite Labour’s row with farmerswho expressed concerns that the strategy could lead to the Government telling them what they can grow and where.

An entirely reasonable and just worry. After all, that’s what was happening in the Netherlands under a similar climate alarmist plan.

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Again, there’s no need to cut carbon; it’s even harmful to do so. Indeed, increased carbon is beneficial for humans and especially for plants, including food crops. So not only do UK climate alarmists want to cut the carbon necessary for food crops, but they also want to force the disuse of farmland. There’s few people more destructive than Marxist, leftist ideologues.

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