While young Michelle Trachtenberg gained Hollywood fame as a child star during the 1990s, she was being relentlessly bullied at school. In a 2020 Instagram post, Trachtenberg recalled the awful behavior she experienced from her classmates. “The kids were cruel,” she wrote. “There is no need to harp on the past. But I still have scars from being thrown down stairs and slammed into lockers head first.”
Sitting down for an interview with “Talk Stoop,” she looked back on her painful school days. “I had a really, really horrible time in school. They were terrible, and tortuous, and evil,” she added. “They really made fun of me and tortured me — but ha-ha, look at me now!” Trachtenberg joked.
In 2010, Trachtenberg told Complex that the bullying she endured was fueled by the other kids’ jealousy. “People were envious of me, but they took it to a nasty place, like, ‘Let’s mess her s*** up,’ as opposed to, ‘Yay! So cool!'” she explained, recalling one incident in particular that left her with lasting mental and physical scars. “When I was in elementary school, this one girl threw me down a flight of stairs, fractured my ribs, punched and fractured my nose, and told the principal I used the word ‘b***h’ and got me [sent to] detention — the only time I’ve ever been thrown in detention in my life,” she said.