It was, perhaps, the biggest surprise of NBC News’ 2024 exit polling: A whopping 65% of American Indians voted for Trump. (Just 34% picked Harris.) That significantly outpaces the 57% of white voters who chose Trump.
And if that wasn’t enough, 17 Indian-majority counties turned Republican red on Election Day.
Because the Democratic Party sees everything through a convoluted racial hierarchy, these results were absolutely jaw-dropping. After all, on the liberal “minority pyramid,” indigenous Americans are at the very top! They’re ahead of the blacks, ahead of the trans, ahead of the Latinos Latinx, ahead of the Jews (obviously), and ahead of the Muslims. When it comes to collective suffering, the Native Americans are in a class of their own.
So why did the Red Man vote for the Orange Man?
It could be that they figured red and orange were close enough. (Hey, they’re right next to each other on the color wheel! That practically makes ‘em neighbors!) Or maybe they could relate to Trump and his history of owning casinos?
(Random thought: Does it qualify as irony when dimwitted white people lose their land, money, house, and all their possessions at Indian casinos? Be kind of funny if the Indians actually won their country back.)
Neither explanation was satisfactory to liberals, of course. The human mind struggles to comprehend data that’s contrary to our worldview. What happened on Election Day was directly, 100% antithetical to their “1619 Project” narrative of American history: Whatever happened, the answer is always, always, ALWAYS racism.
No exceptions, no excuses.
Which has rendered them utterly incapable of wrapping their brains around the fact that the most discriminated, abused, neglected, and disadvantaged ethnic group in American history voted for Trump in larger numbers than the “privileged” white voters!
Naturally, the real reason why Native Americans broke for MAGA has nothing to do with the color wheel, casinos, or bogus claims of “institutional racism.” Instead, they recognized that the Democratic Party was prolonging their suffering: Things were better under Trump and they acted out of their own self-interest.
If you’re living on an Indian reservation, you don’t have time to placate urban liberal fantasies. You’re too busy trying to survive to participate in leftwing virtue signaling, or help guilty white liberals endlessly flagellate themselves for the sins of their forefathers. Screw that!
Life’s too short to be fetishized by Democrats.
You simply wanna be able to buy groceries without worrying about inflation. You want criminals off the streets. You want a better, safer, more fulfilling life for you and your family.
And yes, you also want to stop illegal immigration! Even more so than white voters! After all, who has absorbed more hardships, pain, and misery through unchecked immigration than the Native Americans?
Interestingly, 82% of Biden voters believed that “diversity was our strength.” That’s actually 16 points higher than black voters! (Native Americans weren’t tabulated.) Just like comedian Bill Maher explained a few days ago on his HBO show, “…a poll last year asked if America is the greatest country in the world. More blacks [and] Hispanic Americans agreed with that than the white progressives. It asked if racism is built into our society. White progressives agreed with that at higher levels than black and Hispanic people. It asked if government should increase border security. Same result: Hispanic Americans are less okay with illegal immigration than whitey. The votes are in: They don’t want your pity.”
Myron Lizer, a former leader of Navajo Nation, recently appeared on “Fox and Friends” to discuss the realignment of the Native vote. You can watch the segment below:
Among his most revealing quotes: “We really need a lot of help…. Something’s gotta change.”
Which is the real reason why Native Americans — along with blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and whites — all voted in record-shattering numbers for the Republican candidate: In irony of ironies, Donald Trump became the avatar of “Hope and change.”
And Republicans, I suspect, will be holding onto that avatar for a while. (After all, we wouldn’t want the Democrats to accuse us of being… Indian givers.)