The MAGAnificent Reshaping of the American Political Media Landscape Is a Beautiful Thing

These are certainly heady days indeed for long-suffering conservatives in the United States of America. After Joe Biden’s one-term presidency that felt like 10 years, we are finally able to cease being filled with existential dread about the future of the Republic. For now, anyway.

I’ve made the point several times in recent months that the Democrats who want to disrupt President Trump’s ambitious agenda don’t grasp that he is the apex disruptor. Trump just spent four years out of office singularly focused on a return to power so that he could usher the country out of the communist muck that the Democrats had mired it in and into what he is promising to be a Golden Age. He wrought havoc with the Democratic Party and its flying monkeys in the mainstream media while doing so, essentially giving them shovels and forcing them to dig their own graves. 

There is a post-election flood of leftist media types heading for the door, either of their own volition or via pink slips. 

The Big Three evening news broadcasts still command — by far — the largest audiences in all of television news. Two of the three have already been hit by big changes, with anchors Norah O’Donnell exiting the “CBS Evening News” and Lester Holt announcing his departure from “NBC Nightly News,” which will happen sometime this summer. 

I love reading leftist news articles that examine what’s going on with them during their Trump-induced time of exile. This is from a Variety article that was looking at why O’Donnell and Holt are done: 

The ongoing diminishment of TV news — set into motion by the internet and social media, and accelerated by the rise of a political figure who has declared war on the press — necessarily means that each new hire is diminished by comparison to those who came before.

In classic leftist fashion, none of the blame for the “diminishment of TV news” is placed on the people who’ve been presiding over its demise. All-purpose bogeyman “social media” gets a nod along with the predictable Orange Man Bad blame. They won’t even mention Trump’s name in the passage, giving him a Voldemort-like vibe for the lefties they want to scare. 

Variety didn’t hit the nail on the head regarding Trump and the press, but the author did get close. Trump has indeed declared war on the press, but just on those members of it who have been serial abusers of the truth while carrying out their duties as the official propaganda minions of the Democratic National Committee. I have been writing professionally about leftist bias in the mainstream media for over two decades, and there has never been a Republican who’s gone after the abusers of freedom of the press like Trump has. It’s been a fitting response to the war the Democrats declared on conservative media. After weathering the very real attempts to permanently shut us all down, President Trump has liberated us, and we’re using that freedom to do what we can to annihilate the propaganda class in the MSM. 

We’re having a lot of fun doing it, I should add. 

Cable news progressive cesspit MSNBC is really struggling in the New Trump Order. Look, I enjoy watching race-baiting witch Joy Reid cry as much as anyone on this side, but the network isn’t all the way in the aforementioned grave just yet. Despite never having good ratings, MSNBC has been kept afloat by the massive financial resources of the corporate ownership chain above it. It’s owned by the NBCUniversal News Group, which is a division of NBCUniversal, which is a subsidiary of cable giant Comcast. 

Yeah, MSNBC has been the world’s worst commie vanity project. 

As is always the case with the leftmedia, the exit of one awful person usually paves the way for the arrival of someone worse. Yes, there are people who are worse than Joy Reid over on that side of the aisle. MSNBC will one day soon not have all of that sweetheart money giving its clown car a platform, however. 

Another recent Variety article was titled “Inside the Cable TV Hospice: Can NBCUniversal’s Divorce From MSNBC, Syfy, E! and More Prolong the Life of Once-Popular Channels?”

Who wants to tell them that the Fox News Channel is not on hospice care?

Anyway, the article explains that the Comcast cash cow is preparing to cut off its moribund cable ratings void offerings from the behemoth’s financial teat. I’m no clairvoyant, but I think it’s a safe bet that Rachel Maddow will soon be speaking only to her camera crew and a rotating cast of dispirited feminists who are drunk on Fireball. 

President Trump’s re-ascent to the pinnacle of American politics has been a tremendous boon for conservative media. A lot of us have been waiting for something like this since the early aughts, when we were blogging to audiences that could be counted on one hand and the word “weblog” was still in use. 

Conservative media outlets are now being given seats at a table that, prior to this, we weren’t even able to get scraps from. Because of the struggles we had getting to this point, we are more appreciative of the opportunity we have to reach larger audiences. We’re especially grateful for the ability to tell the truth and not have to worry about the government working in cahoots with Big Tech to destroy our livelihoods. 

My colleagues and I are also frequently pausing to reflect on how much fun all of this winning is. It keeps us energized for the work we’re doing to help ensure that this great nation never returns to the place it was in for the last four years. We’re paragons of work/play balance these days. 

Related: The Mainstream Media Death Rattle Has Begun. It’s Going to Be a Long One, However.

While the progress we’ve made is a huge cause for celebration, we still have a long way to go in our dismantling of the Democratic propaganda media machine. Our VIP subscribers give us the freedom to hit back harder. Now is the perfect time to jump on board and enjoy all the VIP benefits. Subscribe here to automatically trigger a huge 60% discount. That’s just a few dollars a month that goes a long way in this battle! 

We thank all of our VIPs for the major role that they’ve played in bringing us to this point after the Biden slog, and we look forward to more of you joining us. 

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