Tell me you’re out of touch without telling me you’re out of touch.
I wasn’t planning on writing anything today as I’m knee-deep in a house cleaning project, but I took a little break to peruse the news and saw an article in the New York Times that had me wondering if I’d accidentally stumbled upon a satire site like the Babylon Bee. It was about how deporting illegal migrants would have a negative impact on the wealthy people who have homes in the Hamptons. You know, the real victims in all of this.
The article is entitled “They Help Make the Hamptons the Hamptons, and Now They’re Living in Fear.” The subtitle reads “Latino immigrants care for some of America’s most lavish beachside mansions. Their disappearance would affect the wealthy, too.” But wait, it gets better. The article begins:
The party dresses must be double-pressed, the hedges shaved into sharp rectangles. The hand soap and lotion dispensers must be formed into neat lines along bathroom sinks. Caterers need to slip out of view as soon as the oysters and cocktails are served.
Wealthy residents of the Hamptons demand perfection. Now, many of the people who make it so — Latino immigrants, some of them undocumented — are panicking about President Trump’s deportation orders.
It goes on with great quotes like this one: “Some of the wealthy are quietly beginning to make calculations about what it would mean if their undocumented workers were deported. Who would mow the lawn?”
(Note: their undocumented workers)
Or this one from Marit Molan, director of Hamptons Community Outreach: “Everyone relies on housekeepers and carpenters and tree cutters and grass cutters. People come to the Hamptons to enjoy their houses, and who is going to take care of their houses?”
Who would mow the lawn? Or shave the hedges into sharp rectangles or fill the hand soap dispensers? Are you kidding me? I couldn’t believe what I was reading. We’re talking about human beings, and the New York Times is worried about how elitist Hamptons homeowners will take care of their plantations properties. Speaking of the Babylon Bee, it actually did a story just like this a few weeks ago:
Beyond essentially making the case for modern day slavery, the article also mentions that even some legal immigrants in the area are “living in fear” of deportation. Jerry Larsen, mayor of the Village of East Hampton, blames “misinformation.” But here’s the thing: The mainstream media, including the NYT, is largely responsible for this “misinformation.”
Related: Disturbing Similarities: Dems on Slavery and Dems on Illegal Alien Labor
In this article alone, the authors are a bit hazy with their language. They use the terms “immigrants,” “Latinos,” and “undocumented workers” almost interchangeably to describe the same group of people — a common practice among the liberal media in recent years. I’m not sure if the left is stupid and is unaware that there is a large population of Latino United States citizens and that all people here illegally aren’t Latino, or if they just like to throw all the words together in an article as some kind of virtue-signaling dog whistle, but it’s utterly irresponsible.
Then again, if you only see certain segments of the population as the people who mow the lawns and fill the hand soap dispensers, maybe you don’t care if your reporting has them “living in fear.”
I was telling someone the other day that since January 20, sorting through the headlines of the day can be tedious. It’s like a switch flipped that day and suddenly, everything is awful. One thing that bugs the heck out of me more than anything — and since January 20 I’ve been confronted with it daily — is when I see a headline about deportation with pictures of sad Latino children and mothers crying as opposed to the violent criminals and gang members we’re actually deporting.
Most if not all of them are not from the last month, I’m pretty certain. What I do know is that I’m tired of being preached to by liberals and the mainstream media about empathy. They don’t care about Latinos. They don’t care about legal immigrants who made the effort to become American citizens. They don’t even care about the illegal migrants who are not violent criminals and do actually come here for asylum or to contribute to our society.
They only see them all as potential voters for the Democrat Party, images to guilt other people into becoming potential voters for the Democrat Party, and/or cheap labor so they don’t have to mow their own lawns or fill their own hand soap dispensers. And it’s absolutely disgusting.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to cleaning my own house, which I do all by myself. I’ll be back on Monday.