The roughly 20-metre-wide, 20-metre-deep sinkhole appeared at an intersection in the Myeongil-dong neighbourhood in eastern Seoul on Monday afternoon, swallowing the motorcyclist and injuring a woman whose van was passing over the site, according to safety and emergency offices.
The motorcyclist, who was in his 30s, was found before noon on Tuesday, emergency officer Kim Chang Seob told a televised briefing.

IN PICTURES: The terrifying underwater sinkholes used for police diver training
Kim said the man was found wearing a helmet and motorcycle boots, and that rescue workers found his Japanese-made motorcycle and mobile phone before reaching his body.
Kim said rescuers used excavators, shovels and other equipment to find him.
He said the injured woman didn’t fall into the sinkhole and she sustained minor injuries.
The cause of the sinkhole was under investigation.
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon visited the site on Monday night and asked authorities to find why the sinkhole happened and prevent recurrences of similar incidents.