Is Alexa Campaigning for Harris?

I started seeing people posting about what appears to be a real phenomenon: Amazon Alexa’s telling people all the reasons why they should vote for Kamala Harris for President this November while refusing to give a similar set of reasons to vote for Donald Trump. 

Alexa will give you a lot of reasons to vote for Harris and to not vote for Trump, but will not do the opposite for people asking “her” to do so. 

There are all sorts of reasons given, from “breaking the glass ceiling,” electing a woman of color, supporting justice, or lots of blah blah blah. It’s like listening to MSNBC or CNN, not the AI that exists to turn on your lights, tell you the weather, or sell you dishwasher detergent. 

No doubt Amazon will “fix” this problem now that it is revealed, and I doubt that many people have spent a lot of time wondering what Amazon’s only modestly useful AI assistant thinks about American politics, but this is a great example of how pervasive the manipulation of information is in our society. 

Google Search and its Gemini AI have pulled the same stunt, and Google News is a cesspool of “misinformation” about the election. 

But who could have guessed that a home automation device would get pulled into this sort of subterranean electioneering?

Me, I guess. I would have guessed, because what we are seeing is a full-court press to get Kamala elected. 

The people in power fear that the 2024 election could undo everything they have invested in the elite takeover of society, although I fear that even a Donald Trump victory will only slow down the long march to tyranny in the West. No one man, even the President of the United States, can thwart the efforts of everybody else in power. 

But he can make a start, and you have to start somewhere. 

The transnational elite is sending out the Bat Signal, and we can all see it. Unfortunately, a vast swathe of Americans and Westerners would rather be ruled by a technocracy than summon the energy to save their own Liberty. 

So be it. The few of us who do care deeply about defending our freedoms will have to stand up and fight on our own. 

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