German 'Democracy' Update: Time to Tighten Their Grip

Every day, I read something new and even more ghastly about what’s going on in German ‘democracy’ since the ‘national election.’ And every time, all I can think is thank GOD those men 250 years ago put the wheels in motion to set up our system the way they did, vice a standard European parliamentary government.

We have had our share of sneks, crooks, authoritarians, and mushrooms aplenty, Lord knows.

But watching the coalescing of forces in the newly seated German government move against their legally elected opposition and against the express will of voters is a sight to behold.

Terrifying to think how close we came to it here – saved by the hair on our chinny chin chins.

You can catch up here on all the back stories of Chancellor-elect and Christian Democrat (CDU) leader Friedrich Merz’s broken promises and post-election skullduggery here.

What has happened since I wrote that a mere three days ago is something to behold.

Newly elected Bundestag members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party – painted as the ‘far-right/right-wing’ party and second place finisher in election results – have taken their seats and immediately fallen victim to the cordon sanitaire maneuvers of the victorious and treacherous CDU, sister party Christian Socialist (CSU), Scholz’s losing Socialist Democrats (SPD), and the utterly decimated Greens.

In what must be unpleasant news for Merz’s CDU but surely not unanticipated after his immediate election promises treachery, new polling shows the AfD gaining significantly.

In fact, voters are so pissed, the AfD is within striking distance.

Following the German national election last month, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is soaring to new heights in polling and closing in on the lead party, the Christian Democrats (CDU).

The latest YouGov poll has the AfD at 24 percent, with the CDU only at 26 percent. At the same time, the Left Party continues to gain ground.

How lucky for Merz he has four years until the next round of national elections and maybe his allies can take care of that problem for him in the meantime. 

…The federal election, which occurred on Feb. 23, had the AfD at only 20.8 percent, while the CDU earned 28.5 percent. The new results represent a sharp reversal in the AfD’s favor. It comes at a time when the major parties of the SPD and the Greens are pushing for a ban of the AfD, which is now the second-largest party in the country.

…These polling results may not matter for some time, as national elections are next scheduled for four years from now. However, the polling may serve as an unofficial referendum on the actions of the CDU and SPD. The CDU, in particular, promised a sharp turnaround on migration and not to take on more debt before the elections. However, both of those promises appear to have been thrown out the window by chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz, who is taking on approximately a trillion in debt and bending to the SPD’s demands on immigration.

The popularity of the AFD should also temper efforts to ban the party, but at the same time, they may only serve as further motivation for the other parties to move forward with a ban, out of fear that their democratic rival may end up getting more votes than them.

Ban them while you can, right?

There’s going to be a lot of ‘banning’ going on as it is. The government is already circulating a point paper to media on its plan to ban *checks notes* what they determine to be ‘LIES.’ Kind of ironic considering the new chancellor is a demonstrated master of tall tales, but he’s the king now, so there you have it.


The new German government coalition, which is likely to be the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) is looking to ban “lies,” according to a working paper that emerged from the group “culture and media” between the two parties.

Bild newspaper received a copy of the working paper, which outlines the goal of combating “fake” news on social media, including restrictions on it.

The paper from the CDU and SPD indicates that “disinformation and fake news” threaten democracy.

In fact, the paper argues that freedom of expression does not apply in such circumstances.

Isn’t that interesting? AfD is also a ‘threat to democracy.‘ YMMV

…The SPD wants to wait for the report to move forward with a ban, but the SPD group manager Katja Mast says the “AfD poses a serious threat to democracy.”

Why is there such a rush when elections are likely four years away? The reason is that the Constitutional Court can take years to decide a case, which means there are fears from the left that the AfD party may be able to run in the next elections.

This is all part and parcel of the co-conspiratorial plan to grasp complete control of both the media and the populace through hate speech laws. And then to use those petty, unconstitutional (right now), and arbitrary offenses to deny Germans their right to participate in the electoral process because they are ‘criminals.’

…Both the SPD and the CDU have agreed that “we must invest more in defensive democracy,” and therefore they plan to continue funneling nearly 200 million Euros into the jungle of NGOs presently perverting German civic discourse. Among other things, the CDU and the SPD hope to steer some of these funds into the National Action Plan Against Racism, specifically to “fight against structural and institutional racism” – concepts adopted from the increasingly defunct Anglosphere discourse surrounding Critical Race Theory.

As always, the SPD have even more insane plans. They want to use state funds to promote “trustworthy media,” which is their term for politically aligned broadcasters and print publications. Germany already has one of the elaborate and expensive public media systems in the world, but that is not enough for the Social Democrats, who hope to use state funds to co-opt private media as well. There are constitutional hurdles to the SPD vision on this front, and the CDU have so far opposed their aspirations, but given the Social Democrat dominance of negotiations this could well end up on the agenda of the coming government.

Meanwhile, both parties have agreed that “The deliberate dissemination of false factual claims is not covered by freedom of expression,” and they hope to expand the prerogatives of media supervisory authorities so that these may “take action against information manipulation as well as hate and incitement.” They also want to increase regulatory scrutiny of “online platforms” and ensure that the Digital Services Act is “stringently implemented and further developed.

Perhaps worst of all, the future coalition partners have agreed on a nefarious plan to deprive anyone with more than one conviction for the speech crime of “incitement” (“Volksverhetzung”) of the right to stand for election to public office. The German criminal statute on incitement has been widely abused in the present wave of political repression, and state prosecutors will surely use this new mechanism to criminalise the opposition by systematically bringing incitement prosecutions against AfD politicians.

It’s already a criminal offense to criticize immigrants in Germany…

…whatever the crime.

And the Germans are already inordinately proud of their authority to dictate your personal opinions and speech. It should be a great time when they can legally monitor every single word you say or write or the thoughts you imply.

If the parties manage to pull this latest maneuver off, the jackboots will be firmly in charge, as they will ensure there’s not a soul who could run or vote against them.

All of those votes for CDU as a safe haven against the dreaded ‘far-right’ – all those quailing hearts and hopeful believers in Merz’s lies, used to lure them in and salve their worries – are now stuck with a hideous case of buyer’s remorse as the pyramid scheme of perfidy comes tumbling down along with what’s left of their country.

…In the run-up to the elections, all kinds of people told me that the CDU would take charge and we’d see a correction to the right. The worst abuses of the traffic light would be put to bed, Green politics would go on the back burner and the government would begin to emphasise economic policy and migration restriction. It wouldn’t be totally satisfying, these people told me, but things would get better.

It is now safe to say that these people were retards and that they were totally and laughably wrong. What awaits us is not a political correction but rather the traffic light on speed. We are going to get an absolute witch’s brew of tax hikes, deficit spending, industrial subsidies and political repression. If even half of these plans are realised, the coming government is going to make its predecessor look like a beacon of liberal freedom and fiscal responsibility. Here I can only provide a selection of all the proposals, as every five minutes a journalist stumbles upon another steaming turd.

Maybe they’ll understand what a real ‘threat to democracy’ is now.

What a shame it’ll be too late.

Thank a Founding Father in your prayers tonight, too.


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