Joy Reid: Trump Looks the Same Because He Didn't Do His Job as President

There can be only one reason why MSNBC let Joy Reid go: they are white supremacists bent on oppressing the black and brown people of the world. 

Joy brought refreshing common sense, a keen eye for political reality, and a deep understanding of the issues and how the world really works. 

Joy’s skills don’t just extend to being able to read Donald Trump’s mind, figuring out Elon Musk’s low IQ, or divining the secret insurrectionny thoughts of all MAGA-types–she has become a military strategist extraordinaire! Not to mention a keen observer of history. 

Most of you thought that the War of 1812 couldn’t have been fought with Canada for the simple reason that Canada did not exist as a separate political entity. I was taught that Canada became a separate Dominion of the British Empire in July of 1867, and the poor, ignorant Canadians have been taught that as well, celebrating “Dominion Day” every July 1. 

If Joy Reid hadn’t exposed that malignant lie, we all might have thought that the US fought the British Empire in that war, making our defeat a bit less mysterious. 

Joy’s logic that Canada could kick our butts in a war seems impeccable to me. After all, we have never beaten them in a war, and if you project that record out America’s population of 330 million, far larger economy, and outstanding military would surely enable them to burn down the White House while wearing fancy uniforms with red coats.

Fortunately for us, I have a sneaking suspicion that Donald Trump, too, understands the peril we would be in should Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney decide to take us out with military might. Filled with fear and trembling, Trump likely has more modest goals than his bluster implies. 

I could be wrong, though, and if so, Americans could soon have access to universal, if bad, health care, doctors who enjoy killing the old, the weak, the depressed, and the poor, and a censorship regime that would please the Left. 

Unfortunately, we would also have a bunch of French speakers as our fellow citizens, and while that might ensure access to fine wine and cheeses, it also implies a dramatic increase in the number of snobs. Not to mention school requirements that our children learn French and how to speak through their noses. 

Americans are lucky to have Reid out there guiding us through the dangerous thickets of diplomacy, military strategy, domestic policy, and political analysis. Without her, I might have to rely on second-raters like Victor Davis Hansen and Douglas Murray to decipher world affairs and history. 

Alas, I have to look for her wit and wisdom on various podcasts and X posts because MSNBC is filled with white supremacists bent on supporting Trump and MAGA. 
