A mum-of-three has told how she spent a year as a sex slaved of controlling monster and serial rapist Met police officer David Carrick who forced her into a string of humiliating sex acts

A vulnerable woman revealed how she spent a year of hell as serial rapist Metropolitan police officer David Carrick’s sex slave.

The mother-of-three bravely came forward today to share her horrific ordeal in which controlling monster Carrick forced her into a string of humiliating sex acts.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline the woman, who is too afraid to reveal her identity and wants to be called Emma, recalled how she was handcuffed, whipped with a metal chain, sexually abused and locked naked in an under stairs cupboard as ‘punishment’ at the hands of Carrick.

The shamed officer, 48, part of the Met’s elite Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command (PaDPC) psychologically undermined her at every turn, constantly belittling and insulting her and installing CCTV cameras so he could monitor while he was at work.

A mum-of-three has told how she spent a year as a sex slaved of controlling monster and serial rapist Met police officer David Carrick who forced her into a string of humiliating sex acts

A mum-of-three has told how she spent a year as a sex slaved of controlling monster and serial rapist Met police officer David Carrick who forced her into a string of humiliating sex acts

A mum-of-three has told how she spent a year as a sex slaved of controlling monster and serial rapist Met police officer David Carrick who forced her into a string of humiliating sex acts

The woman, who wants to be identified as 'Emma' says she was repeatedly raped and degraded by Carrick, pictured here in his police uniform, who urinated on her and locked her naked in a cupboard as punishment during their time together

The woman, who wants to be identified as 'Emma' says she was repeatedly raped and degraded by Carrick, pictured here in his police uniform, who urinated on her and locked her naked in a cupboard as punishment during their time together

The woman, who wants to be identified as ‘Emma’ says she was repeatedly raped and degraded by Carrick, pictured here in his police uniform, who urinated on her and locked her naked in a cupboard as punishment during their time together

Recalling how she was degraded, Emma said: ‘He broke me. Never in my life have I felt so isolated and alone.

‘I was not allowed to see family or friends. I was told consistently I was a whore and a slut; that my two daughters, the youngest being 16 at the time, were also sluts.

‘I was ridiculed, teased, and shamed. I was told what to wear, what I could eat and what amounts.

‘I was instructed to walk behind, not beside or in front. I was whipped; urinated on and locked naked in a cupboard. At times, made to sleep naked on the floor.

‘My chest was sat on; I was strangled, kicked, and threatened. Text messages wishing me dead by car crash or cancer were sent, with a desire to ‘piss’ on my grave once dead. I was told I was worthless and would be better off dead.’

Emma says Carrick would brag about the VIPs he guarded during his time at the Met - and took her on a visit to number 10 Downing St

Emma says Carrick would brag about the VIPs he guarded during his time at the Met - and took her on a visit to number 10 Downing St

Emma says Carrick would brag about the VIPs he guarded during his time at the Met – and took her on a visit to number 10 Downing St 

Emma, a middle-class divorcee, met Carrick in 2017 when they were both on a night out with friends in her hometown about 50 miles from Stevenage.

Initially charmed by his banter, she quickly moved in with him, living in his terraced ex-council house in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, a decision she now bitterly regrets.

The care worker was waiting for a taxi in the street as Carrick first walked past, and he noticed her. 

‘He turned round and took my hand and kissed it, telling me “I’m gonna marry you, one day”. I was a bit taken aback but he continued “You’re absolutely beautiful. I want your number,”’ she said.

‘He grabbed my mobile and put his number in, then sent it to his phone. I didn’t think much more of it but the next day he was texting me offering to pay for a taxi for me to come to Stevenage.

‘I thought he was quite cheeky, but charming and clearly very confident, which is in itself attractive.’

Emma was in a failing relationship and decided to take a chance on the policeman. She said there is no doubt part of the attraction to Carrick was that her own father is a retired detective who served with a provincial force.

‘I definitely feel comfortable around policemen because of my dad, which isn’t true of everyone,’ she said.

Emma recalled how Carrick frequently name-dropped the important people he was guarding, such as Prime Minister Theresa May, then Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and even former US President Barack Obama when he made a State visit to London in 2011. He also would occasionally protect celebrities such as tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams.

‘He would laugh about Boris coming into Downing Street on his bicycle and how he’d always stop and have a chat with him.’

Emma says controlling Carrick sent her texts of himself in uniform - and when she threatened to call police about his abuse, he would say 'I am the police!

Emma says controlling Carrick sent her texts of himself in uniform - and when she threatened to call police about his abuse, he would say 'I am the police!

The monster would also send her menacing photos of his police-issued Heckler & Koch carbine firearm as a threat to make sure she obeyed his orders

The monster would also send her menacing photos of his police-issued Heckler & Koch carbine firearm as a threat to make sure she obeyed his orders

Emma says Carrick would also send her texts of himself in uniform, and even photos of his police-issued Heckler & Koch carbine firearm to drive the point home

After a short while, she agreed to a date – at his house in Stevenage: ‘We stayed at his and had a couple of bottles of wine. I had a few days off work and I ended up staying at his place for about three days.’

At the time, Emma’s two daughters were living abroad with their father. Her grown-up son, who has mental health problems, is in full-time residential care.

Then, on a whim, Emma decided to give up her job and move in with Carrick. 

‘He wooed me and I was besotted. He told me he would give me the world and I believed him. I came back here, packed up my clothes and told my employer I was quitting,’ she shared.

‘If I could travel back in time and speak to myself then I wouldn’t blame myself, because it was done on impulse, but that impulse would cost me the worst year of my life and so much more.’

Emma frankly admitted she was naïve in the extreme, and alarm bells didn’t even ring when Carrick spelt out his terms.

‘He said he would protect me, but said “I want one thing from you – that’s for you to obey me.” I didn’t know anything about narcissists or misogynists and I thought that might mean something like having a meal ready on the table,’ she said. 

She would soon be disabused of that illusion as Carrick’s behaviour became more and more violent and cruel.

‘At first it was sex games using sex toys and a leather whip, which was very light. He would also use his police handcuffs. It wasn’t something I’d ever done before, but it wasn’t sinister at first,’ she explained.

But as the weeks went by, Carrick’s darker side began to be apparent and the leather whip was replaced by one with tiny metal ball-bearings, meted out in ‘punishment’ for her supposed misdeeds. He would also urinate on her.

‘He would accuse me of stealing money, or talking to some other man and I’d have to be punished. He told me to lie down on my stomach and he’d thrash me with the metal whip. It would leave me red and raw from the shoulders down almost to my knees. It was absolutely excruciating.’

By this time, Emma felt powerless in the relationship – and equally powerless to leave it. Ever the careful copper, Carrick made sure that any injuries were out of sight and rarely hit Emma in the face.

Emma recalled how she was handcuffed, whipped with a metal chain, sexually abused and locked naked in an under stairs cupboard as ‘punishment’ at the hands of Carrick

Emma recalled how she was handcuffed, whipped with a metal chain, sexually abused and locked naked in an under stairs cupboard as ‘punishment’ at the hands of Carrick

Emma recalled how she was handcuffed, whipped with a metal chain, sexually abused and locked naked in an under stairs cupboard as ‘punishment’ at the hands of Carrick

Emma felt powerless in her relationship with Carrick – and helpless to leave it as he controlled every aspect of her life

Emma felt powerless in her relationship with Carrick – and helpless to leave it as he controlled every aspect of her life

Carrick (pictured) would whip and beat Emma - but made sure her injuries were out of sight and rarely hit her in the face so that no one suspected his abuse

Carrick (pictured) would whip and beat Emma - but made sure her injuries were out of sight and rarely hit her in the face so that no one suspected his abuse

Emma felt powerless in her relationship with Carrick – and equally powerless to leave it. Ever so careful, he made sure that any injuries were out of sight and rarely hit Emma in the face

Carrick, pictured, faces years in prison after admitting to more than 70 sex offences against 12 women including Emma while he served with the Metropolitan Police

Carrick, pictured, faces years in prison after admitting to more than 70 sex offences against 12 women including Emma while he served with the Metropolitan Police

Carrick, pictured, faces years in prison after admitting to more than 70 sex offences against 12 women including Emma while he served with the Metropolitan Police

Months after she finally summoned the courage to leave him, Emma discovered that the anal sex she was subjected to had left her with a perforated bowel.

‘If I ever suggested that I might call the police he’d laugh in my face and say: “I am the police – I am the law!”’ she said.

‘He told me he’d kill me and that no-one would miss me, I was old, fat and had no friends. He just mentally broke me down bit by bit, and left me feeling that wherever I ran, he would be able to find me and I’d never escape. He would call me his princess, but also said that he owned me.’

Then Carrick came up with an even more bizarre, but equally terrifying punishment for Emma, forcing her into the cramped, dark space under his stairs.

‘I’m very claustrophobic so that really freaked me out. He would insist that I go around the house naked – as he did himself – and he’d push me in the cupboard naked, telling me it was that or the whip,’ she said.

‘He’d barricade the door with a plastic box and leave me in there for hours at a time. It was either freezing cold or very hot, depending on the weather, and I’ll just try and curl up and sometimes go to sleep.’

Carrick had installed CCTV cameras all around his house which he could access from his phone, wherever he was, to reinforce her sense that she could never escape him.

She said: ‘If I was cleaning the house and sat down for a cup of tea, he’d text me saying “Get up and do some work, you lazy b****!”.’

He would also send her texts of himself in uniform, and even photos of his police-issued Heckler & Koch carbine firearm to drive the point home.

When at home, Carrick would summon her to him with a whistle from his pursed lips, like an obedient dog – and she would always come.

‘The sound of that whistle soon made me sit bolt upright in fear like an alarm bell,’ she recalled.

‘Once he did it when we were at a music festival in London and one of the women we were sitting with was aghast, saying “Did he just whistle at you?” but he explained it away with a joke.’

If Emma did something to displease him when they were in bed, Carrick would physically kick her out of the bed, leaving her to spend the night shivering on the floor.

Perhaps surprisingly, Carrick felt confident enough to take Emma out with him, parading his attractive blonde girlfriend on his arm at social occasions, a trip to Downing Street where she posed outside number 10, and even foreign holidays.

What his colleagues really thought of him is hard to judge, but the fact he was awarded the nickname ‘B*****d Dave’ certainly provides a clue.

‘Whenever we were in company, he’d have his eye on me all the time with this rage that he kept bottled up in public, boiling just under the surface,’ she recalled.

‘If he saw me speak to another man – or imagined he had – he’d fix me with this hard stare and I’d know I was in for it later.

On a rare occasion when Emma was allowed out for drinks with girlfriends, she received a call half-way through from Carrick ordering her to ‘take off that hat and necklace’, which she duly did, to the utter astonishment of her friends when she explained why.

Constantly claiming that she was overweight, Carrick severely restricted what Emma was allowed to eat and in 11 months she plummeted from dress size 14 to size 6.

Eventually, it was Emma’s elder sister, who lives in this country, who saw the dramatic change in her sibling and urged her to get out while she could. 

‘She told me “Please. I’m begging you, please. You have to leave him. I don’t like him, because he controls you,’ Emma recalled.

Around the same time, after she had decorated a Christmas tree, something set Carrick off into one of his rages and he threw the tree, complete with decorations, into the loft.

Carrick, pictured, was in custody for 15 months before he first pleaded guilty in December last year. His girlfriend of a year Emma told MailOnline how the brute ruined her life

Carrick, pictured, was in custody for 15 months before he first pleaded guilty in December last year. His girlfriend of a year Emma told MailOnline how the brute ruined her life

Carrick, pictured, was in custody for 15 months before he first pleaded guilty in December last year. His girlfriend of a year Emma told MailOnline how the brute ruined her life 

‘I went into the other room and shouted “I can’t do this anymore!” and he came at me with that whip. I was naked as usual and he was lashing into me all over.

‘The next day he went to work and something inside me snapped. I went to the GP and told her what was going on and asked her to please document this. She told me that I had to call the police domestic violence unit.

‘That’s when I got out and just went straight to my sister’s 100 miles away. I took that metal whip with me, thinking at least he won’t be able to use it on some other poor woman. I was a nervous wreck and suicidal, but my sister was my rock and built me up, day by day. I couldn’t have done it without her.’

It wasn’t until several years later, in October 2021, when Carrick was charged with one count of rape that Emma came forward to tell her story.

She was joined by 11 other victims. Carrick admitted 49 charges including 24 counts of rape for crimes committed over 18 years against nine different women.

Emma’s not convinced even now that his spell over her has finally been broken: ‘If he was here now and did his whistle, I know it would still affect me,’ she said. 

‘I hope that one day I will really be able to forgive him, but it will take a long time. I don’t want to live my life feeling bitter and affecting me for the rest of my life.’