Angelina Jolie absolutely stunned on the red carpet at the 2024 Venice International Film Festival. Jolie, who’s in the middle of a press run for her latest film, “Maria,” which chronicles opera singer Maria Callas’ life and career, donned a fabulously regal, neutral-toned gown that perfectly complemented her triumphant return to the big screen. Unfortunately, although Jolie’s presence at the festival — which garnered her a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd – was obviously well received by attendees, photos of her pronounced veins running along her arms and hands have also gone viral, prompting worry from her fanbase. “But…what’s happening to her veins?? Angelina r u ok??” one tweeted on X, formerly known as Twitter. Another user wrote: “Whats wrong with her hands??”
Nicki Swift consulted with Dr. Mariano Busso, a Board Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist from Miami and L.A., who explained the possible causes for pronounced arm veins. “As we age, our skin thins from losing collagen as well as fat tissue,” said Busso. “When this volume loss occurs in the hands, structures like veins and tendons become more prominent.” As for Jolie, the cosmetic dermatologist settled on three factors. The first is naturally thin skin. “Individuals with thin skin have more prominent veins,” he explained. It could also be age-related volume loss that eventually happens to everyone. Third, Jolie could be experiencing dilated veins because of extensive physical activity. “The use of filler can soften this look. In addition, sclerotherapy can reduce the size of those veins,” he added.
Angelina Jolie is okay with getting older
Angelina Jolie’s arm veins may have caused a stir at the Venice International Film Festival, but she’s probably not affected by the fan hysteria revolving around her outward appearance. During an interview with Indie Wire, Jolie revealed that she’s okay with getting older. “I’m 49. I do feel like an older woman now and I embrace that,” she said during a conversation about the emotional nature of Maria Callas’ music. She continued, “When I was younger, there were certain pieces of music and certain sounds that matched what I was feeling: I was falling in love, or I was curious about this, or whatever I was going through. There is nothing that meets what you’re feeling like opera … Opera is bigger.”
This isn’t the first time that Jolie, who’s enjoyed a gorgeous transformation, touted the positive sides of getting older, including an adorably sentimental reason! “I look in the mirror and I see that I look like my mother, and that warms me,” Jolie shared with In Style in 2018 (via People). “I also see myself aging, and I love it because it means I’m alive—I’m living and getting older.” With that said, the Hollywood icon also has insecurities like everyone else. “Don’t love having a random dark spot from a pregnancy, sure,” she continued. “I see my flaws. But what I see that I like isn’t about a structure or an appearance. It’s more that I see my family in my face. I see my age.” Gorgeous and relatable!