Lately, whenever the media talks about bribery, it’s always something negative. (What gives?) But when you stop and think about it, bribery is actually an excellent way to pay someone to do something that’s totally unethical!
Let’s say you’re an overaged politician with an undercooked brain. Your family has needs: housing, money, perks, special favors. (Alas, your kids have more needs than skills. They have champagne taste but a Natty Light budget.) And there you are, sitting in the White House, with all these wonderful toys at your disposal.
What’s a loving Poppa to do?
The obvious answer, of course, is to “trade” presidential goodies for family enrichment. Politics is a pay-to-play business, and if you don’t come to the table with money, you better have something else of value in your big bag of tricks.
Like, for example, a bunch of presidential medals.
People love awards! Makes ‘em feel special — that they’re better than everyone else. (Which is why liberals REALLY love awards.)
In the closing days of the Biden presidency, a series of curious policy decisions has emerged. For example, with only 240 hours left in his term, Biden could’ve attempted to bolster his sagging approval rating with a flurry of feel-good decisions, awards, and declarations. Like, perhaps, giving presidential medals to America’s greatest war heroes — the men and women who risked life and limb to protect the homeland.
Wouldn’t that have been great? Finally, our national heroes could receive the recognition they deserve… instead of being cast aside, neglected, and ignored.
Republicans would’ve loved it. Democrats, too. And Biden’s approval rating would’ve climbed from an anemic 37%.
Unfortunately, it seems that Biden’s priority isn’t to inflate his approval rating: It’s to inflate his wallet. Presidential libraries aren’t cheap. Obama’s cost nearly $500 million. The Biden family has a VERY tight window to monetize the White House — and time is money.
So you give an award to liberal billionaire George Soros. Look how proud his kid is:
Ka-ching! That’ll at least cover the mortgage.
How about a Presidential Medal of Freedom award for David Rubenstein? He’s worth a cool $4 billion and lets you stay for free at his house. (And I’m sure Rubenstein did it all out of the goodness of his heart.) In fact, Biden has made a habit of failing to disclose all his freebies from liberal billionaires.
Sure, to the dupes, dolts, and dunces in Flyover Country, this might seem like favor-trading or influence-peddling, but the Bidens have been doing this for years. Biden does a favor, a billionaire cuts a check. The bigger the favor, we assume, the bigger the check.
And that Medal of Freedom was an awfully big favor. Along with Soros, we now have a down payment on the presidential library’s construction costs. Ka-ching!
This is Bidenomics in all its unmasked glory!
You wanna know how petty and absurd it gets? Biden just gave the Medal of Freedom to Ralph Lauren… who designed the president’s daughter, Naomi Biden’s, wedding dress. (In just another one of those silly, nothing-to-see-here coincidences, they actually partnered together on a Vogue cover story.)
I mean, sure, wedding dresses are expensive. But isn’t a presidential award overkill?
Then again, Ralph Lauren is rich. Really rich: he’s worth $8.8 billion.
Ka-ching! We now have a check for the overrun costs.
Meanwhile, the incoming president-elect has made history by refusing to accept his presidential salary. Instead of monetizing every inch of the White House, Trump will donate 100% of his salary to charity.
It’s refreshing, isn’t it?
We’ve been “Breaking Bad,” Biden-style, for four long years. And we’ve gotten so used to the corruption, we’re numb to it. It’s no longer shocking or appalling; it’s just the way things are.
And will continue to be. At least, for another 240 hours.