Everybody assumes that Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci to shield him from his actions just before and during his appalling performance during the COVID pandemic.
Surely that was a major part of the reason, especially since Fauci gained so much prominence during that sorry episode in our nation’s history. Were it not for COVID he would have left as a largely (and unjustly) respected public servant who was remarkably hale and hearty in his 80s. People in the know would have stared daggers at his back as he went on to enjoy his pension, but most Americans wouldn’t even notice his departure.
But COVID doesn’t explain the pardon, actually. Not as it was written, because the pardon covered his “nonviolent” actions for 11 years, just as Hunter’s did. Which brings up the question: why so long?
— Matt Ridley (@mattwridley) January 21, 2025
The reason why Fauci got the pardon that he did, or perhaps we should call it plenary immunity, is because his lawbreaking goes back to 2014, when he violated the Obama-era policy of not funding gain-of-function research. The very research that almost certainly led to the creation of COVID, and to the debarment of Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance from getting any funding from the federal government.
In other words, Fauci conspired to circumvent administration policy in order to experiment with what amounted to biological weapons.
Joe Biden left it until the last minute to issue a pre-emptive pardon of Anthony Fauci for any offence committed since 2014 in his work on ‘the White House Coronavirus Task Force or the White House Covid-19 Response Team, or as Chief Medical Advisor to the President.’ Yet surely Covid began in 2019, not 2014?
The significance of 2014 is that this was when the Obama administration responded to anxiety among some scientists about a series of experiments that made influenza viruses potentially more dangerous to people – by banning federal funding for any such gain-of-function experiments.
Yet from June 2014 money flowed from Fauci’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases to support experimentswhich led to gain-of-functionin Wuhan in China via an organisation called the EcoHealth Alliance. There, SARS-like viruses ‘gained’ the function in certain experiments of becoming 10,000 times more infectious in humanised mice. (Both the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance have denied any wrongdoing.)
‘So let me get this straight: Fauci’s pardon goes all the way back to 2014, the year he started funding the labs that eventually helped create the chaos we’ve all been living through,’ wrote the science journalist Dr Simon Goddek on hearing news of the pardon.
Fauci, who considers himself The Science™, didn’t like the Obama policy because it prohibited the use of one of his toys and the funding of one of his friend’s pet projects. Daszak and Fauci are close, and Daszak specializes in creating Frankenstein’s Monsters of viruses at his preferred bio lab run by the Chinese in Wuhan.
His emails and testimonies relating to the early months of the pandemic appear to reveal a consistent pattern of trying to deflect attention from the possibility that the outbreak began with an accident in the very Wuhan laboratory his agency had had funded. In those early weeks, remember, people thought the epidemic would probably blow over and be soon forgotten rather than pored over by investigators for years.A few days before the pardon was announced, Peter Daszak and EcoHealth were officially debarred from receiving future federal funding on the recommendation of Congress. Daszak was fired by EcoHealth at the same time, perhaps so he could receive severance payments, which resigning would not allow.
There is something approaching full-scale panic in the American scientific bureaucracy at what the Trump administration may reveal in the coming months about what went on in Wuhan with the support of American grants and American expertise.
Fauci needed cover not only for his evil deeds during the COVID pandemic but for his help in creating the virus by circumventing US policy. We can only speculate why Biden’s administration found it necessary to accommodate Biden, but it could have something to do with bio labs in Ukraine funded by the US government under Fauci as well. Was there a Biden connection? The Biden family had deep business ties with Ukraine.
The US government and the Pravda Media have been insistent that any talk of the United States funding Biolabs in Ukraine is a “conspiracy theory,” but that is splitting hairs. What they claim to mean is that there are no biological weapons facilities in Ukraine as Russia claims, and I have no reason to believe that Ukraine or the US is actively researching biological weapons that would be unleashed on soldiers or any public. But, as with the lab in Wuhan, that doesn’t mean they don’t research viruses and potentially do gain-of-function research. Victoria Nuland testified that there are in fact Biolabs in Ukraine.
I admit the Ukraine connection is pure speculation on my part, but it is consistent with the evidence–especially the date range of Fauci’s preemptive pardon.
I have no reason to believe that Biden was in any way connected to biological research in Ukraine, and I have no reason to think that the research in question was for bioweapons. But there is plenty of evidence that Fauci illegally funded gain-of-function research and there was a flow of money from the US to Ukraine that was tied to Fauci during that period. Whether that money went to gain-of-function research as it clearly did in Ukraine is, to me, unknown.
What we do know beyond doubt is that Fauci’s preemptive pardon’s 2014 date corresponds with the banning of gain-of-function, and that Fauci violated the ban on gain-of-function research and slipped some federal money to Peter Daszak to conduct it.
That, I believe, is why Fauci’s pardon covered 11 years.