Mystikal was arrested and jailed just outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, according to the Associated Press, where he is currently being held without bond on 10 separate charges. In a Facebook post, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office wrote that deputies responded to a call from a local hospital with regards to a sexual assault on July 30. “Detectives interviewed the victim who sustained minor injuries during the attack,” the post reads. “Through further investigation, Michael ‘Mystikal’ Tyler was identified as a suspect.” In addition to first-degree rape and robbery, Tyler has been charged with domestic abuse battery including strangulation, false imprisonment, and simple criminal damage to property.

Attorney Joel Pearce, who represented Mystikal the last time he was charged with sexual assault, told the AP that he has not yet been retained by the rapper, but that they would be meeting soon to discuss the case. The lawyer will provide a statement after the meeting. While Mystikal is currently being held without bond, Pearce believes his former client will be able to get out on bond following an upcoming hearing. He did say, however, “I’m expecting it to be a big bond.”

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