Benzino has asked LGBTQ+ to stop flirting with him

It appears like Benzino is tired of people in the LGBTQ+ community flirting with him. Moreover, he has now issued a PSA for them to him alone.

Here is everything you need to know.

Benzino obtains a PSA for LGBTQ+ to stop coming on to him

Benzino took to his Twitter account on Friday 31st March to share that he will denounce the person who will flirt with him and does not identify themselves as a heterosexual woman. 

In addition, he said that while he “respected” the community, Benzino is not flattered by the flirting since he is not a part of it.

He wrote, ‘Attention to all in the LGBTQ, abcd!!! I respect y’all’s movement and your decision to be who you want to be BUT STOP THE WEIRD SH*T WITH THE COMMENTS AND FLIRTING.’

Benzino then went ahead to share screenshots of the comments he received on the bird app when people began calling out him for lying.

The former Love & Hip-Hop star mentioned, ‘Wtf I gotta lie to y’all for? Yall weird asf! There’s WAY more but Twitter only allows 4 pics at a time.’

He penned, ‘F**k y’all mad at me for?? Cause I ain’t wit that s**t? I know it ain’t all gays & not all gay men are disrespectful but it’s a lot who are, it been going on for awhile.’

Blueface also make a similar petition against LGBTQ+

Benzino’s plea came after Blueface, who also made quite similar claims in the petition earlier this month.

He tweeted, ‘Ever since I tweeted my hands bisexual its been a lot of LGBTQ shit going on in my DM that’s not what I meant cuz.’

He added, ‘Please stop sending me gay s**t. I respect the LGBTQ community y’all went from a minority to a majority that’s a hell of an accomplishment you’re welcome to love whoever you want but don’t bring it over here please respectfully.’

Meanwhile, it seems like the LGBTQ+ might have twisted the news in Benzino’s case.

Moreover, it could have possibly begun after a transgender model came out and claimed the ex-Source owner wanted her to get into an intimate relationship with him. However, she has continuously denied his attempts.

In addition, the woman also went ahead to release alleged audios of calls with Benzino to support her claim  

Benzino on the other hand remains to deny the claims made by the transgender woman and is adamant that he is a straight male.



Maddii is your typical nerd with a voracious appetite for books. She loves midnight snacking.