Man kept pillow, knives in ‘secretive lair’ in crawl space in home where he killed an elderly woman and her son

Clockwise from left: Jonathan Hurst (DeKalb County Jail/WSPY News), Robert Wilson, Patricia Wilson (DeKalb County Crime Stoppers). Background: the Wilson home (YouTube/WTVO/WQRF).

Clockwise from left: Jonathan Hurst (DeKalb County Jail/WSPY News), Robert Wilson, Patricia Wilson (DeKalb County Crime Stoppers). Background: the Wilson home (YouTube/WTVO/WQRF).

The man who was convicted of bludgeoning an elderly woman and her son to death in their Illinois home is expected to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Jonathan Hurst, 56, was convicted in January of the double murder of Patricia Wilson, 85, and her son, Robert Wilson, 64. According to prosecutors, Hurst attacked the mother and son in August 2016, at a time when he told police he was hiking on an Illinois trail that crossed the state. Cellphone evidence placed Hurst, who previously lived in Chicago, in the area of Sycamore where the Wilsons lived, some 65 miles west of Chicago.