Girl forced to walk to school along busy highway in the dark for 90 minutes because dad didn’t feel like driving: Police

Two arrested after forcing young girl to walk to school along a highway

Background: The stretch of Rankin Highway in Midland, Texas where a little girl was spotted walking alone (Google Maps). Inset (left): Devonte Tremayne Hall (Midland Police Department). Inset (right): Ta’Lyjah Monea Conner (Midland Police Department).

The parents of a grade-school-age girl in Texas were charged with endangering her safety when the girl’s father wouldn’t drive her to school.

Ta’Lyjah Monea Conner, 23, and Devonte Tremayne Hall, 27, were arrested by Midland police after their young daughter was spotted walking alone along Rankin Highway while it was still dark outside. Police responded to calls from dispatch about the girl and eventually found her on the busy road’s 1600 block. According to reporting by KMID, a local ABC affiliate, the girl told police that she was walking to her elementary school after her father refused to drive her there.

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