Suzanne Sevakis’ story is a frightening one. Kidnapped as a child by the man she knew as her step-father, and raised as his daughter. They moved often, with Floyd changing their names each time. As the girl becomes a woman, Franklin Delano Floyd marries Sevakis and ultimately kills her and her son.
Today on Crime Stories Nancy Grace talks with the Former FBI agent who cracked the case.
Joining Nancy Grace today:

Additional Guest
- Scott Lobb – Former FBI Special Agent; LinkedIn: Scott Lobb
“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.
Feature Photo: Franklin Delano Floyd/Florida Department of Corrections. Insets: Left, Suzanne Sevakis and Michael Hughes/FBI