In the numerous court documents filed last week, more details of the prosecution’s case against Bryan Kohberger have emerged.

The state plans to introduce a wide range of evidence, including Kohberger’s educational records from his time at DeSales University, bank and Venmo transactions, weather data from the night of the murders, and hours of surveillance footage. The defense is desperate to have the evidence dismissed.

The defense is seeking to block the evidence, arguing that the state has delivered thousands of pages of documents and terabytes of video without explaining how they will be used in court. Anne Taylor, Kohberger’s attorney, is demanding that the judge order prosecutors to clarify the relevance of each piece of evidence. She argues that, without this explanation, it is ‘impossible’ for Kohberger to effectively confront the evidence.

In their arguments against the inclusion of evidence, the defense reveals that prosecutors intend to introduce records from Kohberger’s graduate studies in psychology at DeSales University. The defense claims they have received discovery materials including Kohberger’s school calendar, written coursework, test results, emails, and syllabi from his time as a master’s student, and they question its relevance. Kohberger’s thesis focused on a survey exploring how emotions influence a criminal’s decision-making during the commission of violent crimes.

Kohberger also wants the weather data from the night of the murders excluded from the jury’s consideration. The state plans to use records from the National Weather Service for November 12 and 13 to argue that Kohberger’s alibi, which involves stargazing, is not credible. The reports, taken at the Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport—about halfway between the two college towns—show fog, low visibility, and low clouds at the time of the murders. While meteorologists say the fog was not thick enough to hinder travel, the night sky would have only been visible during breaks in the clouds.

A recent court filing also reveals that the defense wants to block Kohberger’s Venmo, PayPal, and bank records. While the specifics of these records are not detailed, the filing mentions a purchase from Under Armour on June 24, 2022—five months before the murders—and a purchase from Dick’s Sporting Goods in the same month. These records likely also include Kohberger’s purchase of the Kabar knife, which is suspected to have been used in the murders.

Joining Nancy Grace today:

Dr. Bethany Marshall – Psychoanalyst, Author: “Deal Breaker,” and Featured in Hit Show: “Paris in Love” on Peacock  Instagram & TikTok: drbethanymarshall, X: @DrBethanyLive
Sheryl McCollum – Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder, and Host: Zone 7; X: @ColdCaseTips
Joe Scott Morgan
Joseph Scott Morgan – Professor of Forensics: Jacksonville State University, Author of “Blood Beneath My Feet,” and Host: “Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan;” X: @JoScottForensic

Additional Guest

Greg Morse – Partner at the Law Firm of King Morse; Current CJA Counsel (Southern District of Florida); Former West Palm Beach Public Defender’s Office; Author: “The Untested” [found on Amazon]

“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” is also a national radio show on SiriusXM channel 111, airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Bryan Kohberger/Ada County Sheriff’s Office]

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