Whatever Happened To Drew Carey After His Ex-Fiancée's Tragic Death?

The world was shocked in 2020 when Drew Carey’s ex-fiancee was murdered. Understandably, that shock has persisted for Carey. In fact, the comedian has been very forthcoming about just how much his life changed after Dr. Amie Harwick’s untimely passing. 

Though Carey and Harwick were no longer a couple at the time of her death, they had made plans to see each other; the comedian told Us Weekly they were actually meant to meet up a week after she died. Heartbreakingly, he explained, “We never got a chance to get together. It destroyed me for a while. I still don’t date. I have women I go out with and spend time with, but it’s all platonic, and I don’t care about anything else. Amie’s death really affected everything.”

Speaking exclusively to Nicki Swift, New York City neuropsychologist and director of Comprehend the Mind, Dr. Sanam Hafeez, explained that Carey’s inability to find love again wasn’t unheard of after such a traumatic event. “The sudden passing of a past significant other with whom you maintained close ties has the potential to shape your future romantic connections profoundly. The feelings of enduring sadness and nostalgia from grief can make it difficult for individuals to open their hearts,” she said. Hafeez added that the sudden loss of an ex-partner can also prompt serious mental health struggles for the surviving former partner. “It triggers anxiety by creating fear of future losses,” she told us. Given the “The Drew Carey Show” alum’s history with depression after his father’s passing, it’s likely Harwick’s death only magnified that. However, Carey told Us Weekly he made a point of prioritizing his mental health wherever possible, whether by avoiding the news altogether on tough days, or simply by skipping a social media scrolling session before bed. 

Drew Carey has become closer with his late ex’s friends

It is worth noting that in her exclusive interview with Nicki Swift, Dr. Sanam Hafeez pointed out that it is possible for people who have lost a former partner to move on romantically. Granted, doing so comes with unique challenges. As Hafeez said, “The tendency to idolize former partners leads to unfair comparisons, while expressing grief in new relationships can pose difficulties.” With that in mind, the neuropsychologist recommended taking time to heal — albeit while remaining in the present moment. 

Of course, Drew Carey has hinted that he’s done just that. Even though he’s not dating, he told Us Weekly he has developed a strong bond with Dr. Amie Harwick’s friends — so strong, in fact, that he’s even become a godfather to some of their kids. What’s more, he said he’s now close with Harwick’s family, too. “Amie’s memory and the things she lived for keep us going,” he shared. It’s a move Dr. Hafeez is all for. “The pain might always linger, but embracing your loss and actively seeking new relationships can build resilience while facilitating personal growth,” she told us. 

Hafeez also said that some emotional growth can arise from losing a former romantic partner, as it can help “enhance one’s understanding and gratitude toward love.” In terms of how close Carey has grown to Harwick’s loved ones, that certainly applies. That said, even before Harwick’s death, he had begun the practice of telling people he loved them. As he told Us Weekly, “It might be the last time you see them. You don’t know.” As such, the last words Carey exchanged with Harwick were that he loved her. Heartbreaking, yet a beautiful send-off.